3 Reasons to love Hygge

I was kindly brought a book “The little book of Hygge’ for my birthday this year.
It’s a funny word to pronounce ….(there’s some debate around hue-guh not hoo-gah) but this Danish way to live well, really struck a chord with me.
It’s a way of life that keeps spirits high, even when our moody weather is cold and grey.
Simply put Hygge is: Cosy of the soul.
Sounds lovely right!? Especially as these darker nights and that colder air is creeping in.
No wonder Danes are routinely top of the leaderboard when it comes to happiness.
With the concept of Hygge firmly rooted in my consciousness now, I want to spark a bit of that magic at Ella this Autumn.
And here’s why:
1. Hygge is a Lovely Feeling.
Its about atmosphere and experience, not things!
Anything can be hygge. It’s when its raining outside and you’re inside with a cup of hot coffee.
When you’re enjoying good food with friends and family, that’s hygge as well.
It’s the days where you’re together with people that make you happy, talking for hours.
It’s the smell of freshly baked cakes or scented candles.
It’s recognising the beauty in ordinary and making it feel special.
When you’re spending a couple of hours at a time in the salon having your hair coloured and cut, it’s important you feel comfortable, cosy and at home.
So next time you in, cosy down with a hot drink and good book.
2. Hygge is Taking the Time to Slow Down
In our fast-paced lifestyle, we need to allow ourselves to slow down. We need to spend time together in a simple environment and allow ourselves to feel warm and loved.
At Ella, we appreciate togetherness. It’s our job to help you relax and step away from ‘Busy’.
3. Hygge is a Friendly, Warm Environment
Hygge is primarily about atmosphere and a ‘cast away your cares’ attitude.
Fairy lights, Hot chocolate, cosy blanket and beautiful fragrance.
Who doesn’t like snuggling down and getting cosy while their having their hair done!?
If you would like to find some more reasons to get down and Hygge with us, check out this link to The Little Book of Hygge.
We look forward to making you feel cosy in the salon next time you’re in.