Colour Melting – The Ultimate Autumn Hair Trend

Today, highlights are a far cry from the chunky stripes you had 15 years ago.
Thankfully the colour technique of adding depth and dimension to your hair has come a long way since spending hours in the salon with your hair wrapped in foils, or worse pulled through one of those dreadful skull caps!
Hot on the heels of Ombré and Balayage is the art of Colour Melting. A beautifully subtle approach to highlighting your hair.
A slightly different take to Balayage, this technique doesn’t use two colours. Instead, your stylist will add more of one to create a seamless finish.
“Colour Melting is similar to Balayage, only with an added colour melt or root-fade done after.” explains Olaplex ambassador Chad Kenyon.
Instead of created that vivd pop of highlights lights around the face, or sharp contrasts in colour, the Colour Melt is design to be more iridescent.
The high lights and colour variations are there, but they’re more subtle and create more of a glow of colour, rather than a pop.
If you’ve always like the idea of having colour variation through your hair, but don’t really want a huge contrast in colour, the Colour Melt is perfect for you.
If you want to find out more about Colour Melting you can pop into the salon for a chat or give us a call any time.
Images courtesy of and colorbychadkenyon