Is It Time For A Hair Change?

Autumn is coming, and I don’t know about you, but when the seasons change I like to change my hair.
Out with the long, sun kissed, tussled summer locks, and in with rich colour and sleek sophistication.
If the idea of going from long and blond to short and brown sounds like a brave step you’re not quite ready to take, then don’t worry. You don’t have to change your hair in one hit.
A style transformation doesn’t have to be this immediate drastic change. You can take your time to adjust to your new look by gradually getting shorter or longer, or subtly tweaking your colour every few weeks. Or simply adding a fringe can make a huge difference to your face.
You Style Transformation can take as long as you need it to, so you can adjust to you new look, or decide that actually, it’s not going to work.
At Ella, we understand the impact a hair style can have on your confidence, your mood and how you see self.
And we take Style Transformations very seriously. We are there every step of the way, through that transformation, to guide you, and make sure you still feel confident, for however long it takes until you are 100% happy with your new look.
Thinking About A Change?
If you’re considering a Style Transformation, but don’t know what to go for, here are our favourite celebrity Style Transformations for some inspiration:

Sophia Vergara

Sarah Hyland

Paris Jackson

Katy Perry

Karlie Kloss

Jordan Dunn
Get That Sparkle Back
If you feel like you’re in a bit of a rut style wise, and need something to get that sparkle back and make a real impact, a Style Transformation might be just what you need.