
Temporary Closure

Posted: 27/03/2020

With the release of new government guidelines on social distancing, salon life will sadly be paused until the guidelines relax. These really are crazy and uncertain times and we have no clue as to when we will be able to open our doors again. But as soon as we have a date, we’ll work through […]

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Time To Treat Your Feet – March Beauty Offers

Posted: 02/03/2020

We don’t see much of them this time of year do we? Our feet that is. So, this month we want to show your forgotten feet some love so they feel soft, smooth and for anything. The Luxury Winter Spice Pedicure Sit back and cosy up with a snuggly blanket and let us treat your […]

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December Beauty Offers

December Beauty Offers

Posted: 09/12/2019

With Christmas only a couple of weeks away, things are probably getting a little bit hectic. There’s the presents to wrap, the dinner to plan, not to mention figuring out when you can go a visit all the family over the holidays. So, to try and take a bit of the pressure off, we have […]

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Being A Sustainable Salon

Being A Sustainable Salon

Posted: 09/12/2019

If you’re a regular at Ella, you’ll already know that we aim to be an environmentally friendly salon and work hard to be as sustainable as we can. We have lots of excellent initiatives already underway to reduce the business’s environmental impact, and we have lots of plans for the future to maximise a positive […]

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What Is A CACI Facial?

Posted: 11/03/2019

CACI International have been leading the way in the beauty industry since 1992 with their revolutionary technology and incomparable reputation for excellence and innovation. Their award winning face treatments offer the only non-surgical solution that delivers visible and corrective results without the need for invasive procedures, fillers or chemicals. CACI treatments are able to combat […]

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Is It Time For A Hair Change?

Is It Time For A Hair Change?

Posted: 13/09/2018

Autumn is coming, and I don’t know about you, but when the seasons change I like to change my hair. Out with the long, sun kissed, tussled summer locks, and in with rich colour and sleek sophistication. If the idea of going from long and blond to short and brown sounds like a brave step […]

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Summer Festival Hair Ideas

Summer Festival Hair Ideas

Posted: 13/07/2018

2018 is a great year for hair, and when it comes to festival hair, the bolder and brighter the better. This year is big on hair accessories. Flower crowns, glitter and jewels are all welcome. Mixing up your colour is also on the list. Adding a splash of colour is easier than ever with hair […]

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Summer Style Trends for 2018

Summer Style Trends for 2018

Posted: 04/06/2018

With Summer finally here, we all want to know what colours and cuts are on trend. So here are some off our senior stylists Louise’s favourite trends at the moment: “I love this time of year, the salon is buzzing with clients wanting something new and fresh. It’s definitely an exciting time to change up […]

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3 Reasons to love Hygge

3 Reasons to love Hygge

Posted: 30/12/2017

I was kindly brought a book “The little book of Hygge’ for my birthday this year. It’s a funny word to pronounce ….(there’s some debate around hue-guh not hoo-gah) but this Danish way to live well, really struck a chord with me. It’s a way of life that keeps spirits high, even when our moody […]

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Colour Melting -The Ultimate Autumn Hair Trend

Colour Melting – The Ultimate Autumn Hair Trend

Posted: 08/10/2017

Today, highlights are a far cry from the chunky stripes you had 15 years ago. Thankfully the colour technique of adding depth and dimension to your hair has come a long way since spending hours in the salon with your hair wrapped in foils, or worse pulled through one of those dreadful skull caps! Hot […]

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